
Jul 26, 2013

Technology Overview

Online electric vehicle, also known as OLEV, is a type of electric vehicle that runs on electromagnetic induction. In layman terms, the OLEV that allows the transfer of electric power using magnetic fields imbedded in the roads. Developed by The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), OLEV runs on electricity that is wirelessly fed into the bus from the tracks in the ground. The distinct difference between the OLEV and electric vehicles is that the OLEV does not need charging stations because it charges wirelessly while running on the road. This feature enables the OLEV to operate on a smaller battery as compared to an electric vehicle’s battery.


Test and Application

To test the wireless charged On-Line Electric Vehicle, KAIST campus already put the online buses into daily use and the local amusement park use the OLEV trams to take about hundred people every day.The world’ first OLEV was into services at the Seoul Zoo in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi Province, and it decision was made by The Seoul Metropolitan Government August 2009. At the Seoul Grand Park, the OLEV is charged by the charging planted about 5 cm under the ground and services 2.2 kilometer-long.So far, the OLEV is lunched and demonstrated successfully in Korea and this new technology is introduced to the whole world now. Furthermore, the KAIST is going to launch the projects in Pak City,Utah, United States and Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia.
Beside the Korea, Qualcomm decide to expand the electrification projects in London; Mitsubishi and Toyota are cooperating with Witricity to apply OLEV to the passenger cars; European and U.S. car manufactories  are developing  this this technology to the market.In 2011, The Federal Transit Administration of the City of McAllen will allow them to retrofit three diesel busses to OLEV buses by the end of 2013.


Both EV and OLEV are environment friendly,hey decrease the consumption of oil and being zero emission. Hence, these Green Cars alleviate air pollution and ultimately global warming .However, the disadvantage of EV,such as limited range and recharge the batteries limit its development. Compared with the EV, OLEV is more beneficial for the Green car industries and future clean development Business. More specifically, OLEV uses road as a charging station, there is no need to build costly charging facilitates which dramatically cut costs. For the local government, the cost of installing infrastructure for EV can be reduced by adopting OLEV system, which use existing road as charging infrastructure. Furthermore, OLEV galvanizes new Market trend: developing the wireless charging system which is suitable for use with public transportation systems such as bus and tram.



The Future Trend of OLEV

Since the use of online-electric vehicle already exists in our modern society, however, it is only used in. We may not realize, On-Line electric vehicles has already fit it way into our life. In the future, OLEV will be uses commonly, and could be used on common transit and vehicles. in thw future, KAIST Wireless Power Transfer Research Center has decided to launch the electrification projects in Park City, Utah, U.S. and Kuala Lumpur Airport and Malaysia.


Barriers to adoptions: there are lots of different barriers for the adoption of the use of On-Line electric vehicles. Although people had been using it, factors like, cost, installing underground power lines tracks, and safety reasons had been preventing people from using this technology. People with automobile that uses normal fuels may not wish to change their existing cars, because the cost. Also it is too costly for city to install underground power lines. However, there aren’t much barriers of this technology, since people are promoting renewable resources.

On-Line Electric Vehicle will become very popular and prevalent in the future due to variety of reason. Reasons include the environmental impact of petroleum, the peak oil, and the urge of renewable energy. As our society approach to lessening the amount of unrenewable resources, due to these reasons, more investment will be put on to these technology. As technology improves, factors that restraint people from using electric vehicle will be lower and remove. The cost of the OLEV, the inconveniences of electric car recharging station, the environmental issues and the uprising oil prices will drive people into using OLEV.
